Share Fingerprint Christmas Cards for Kids to Make This project belongs to the “Land Beyond the Rainbow” (Iva, Dary, and Vyara). You will need: blue paper christmas drawing how to draw others winter
Share BEACH Painting for KIDS Here’s an idea for children’s centers at seaside resorts to make outdoor games more fun. It’s drawing other topics outdoor summer With hands and feet
Share LET’S Paint with Our FINGERS Kids love fingerpainting. That’s why from time to time it’s good to let them get a drawing other topics With hands and feet
Share Happy Baba Marta! Happy BABA MARTA! Health and good cheer to all our friends! You are our daily inspiration! Baba Marta holidays With hands and feet
Share HANDPRINT Sun This project may be a little messy, but it’s well worth it. The sun turned drawing other topics spring summer With hands and feet
Share STORK Handprint <p style=”text-align: left;”Yesterday my nephew was very excited with what they had done in preschool – Baba Marta drawing holidays other topics spring With hands and feet
Share Lots of LOVE Valentine Card We tried to make those handprints with watercolor paints but the colors did not turn out for party holidays mothers day Valentine With hands and feet
Share HANDPRINT Christmas Tree Тhis Christmas tree was made from kids’ handprints. Make about 15 prints with tempera paint (about christmas holidays other topics With hands and feet
Share Handprint SANTA CARD I know these handprint cards are all over the web, but I would surely miss them christmas holidays other topics With hands and feet