Share 13 new spring crowns printable templates – spring crowns: Printable templates-animals see more: carnival masks and costumes spring
Share Chinese New Year 2020 – Year of the Rat Watch video: Printable templates: How to make: collages
Share paper MICE watch video: Kids from from kids’ center Step, Sofia, have created these lovely mice. how to make: see collages paper toys
Share PAPER HEART MICE Watch video: How to make: printable template: see more: collages paper toys Valentine
Share Paper mouse Great idea realized by the kids from kids’ center Step, Sofia, taught by Elena Petrova. see paper toys
Share Mice for breakfast Good morning mischievous moms, dads and kids. If you have time, try and have fun with recipes salty
Share DIY Felt mouse Martenitsa – mouse You will need: some felt, doll eyes, and white and red thread. Take a Baba Marta from fabric, yarn and thread
Share Homemade PUPPETS Cat puppet We made a mouse, a cat, a pig and a rabbit…. Pink pig creative activities from fabric, yarn and thread from plastic other topics paper toys With hands and feet
Share Martenitsas by ANETO Take a look at Aneto’s new martentsas 🙂 Those teeny-weeny mice… “I had planned to make Baba Marta from fabric, yarn and thread holidays