Share “Do it Yourself” Martenitsa-candy :-) Bulgarian traditional martenitsa ( includes red and white thread. This one below has red and white Baba Marta from fabric, yarn and thread
Share Walnut Crafts for Kids – martenitsas Have a look at these cute toys made of walnut shells. The kids from “Kids’ easter from natural materials
Share A wreath from beautiful ornaments This craft is easy and fun even for the smallest kids. You need two cardboard paper Baba Marta creative activities educational activities fine motor skills from fabric, yarn and thread from paper, cartons and boxes from recycle bin holidays
Share Bracelets from empty plastic bottle You need different colors of thread and an empty plastic bottle of 0.5 ml. With the Baba Marta from fabric, yarn and thread from plastic girls mothers day
Share Three ideas with eye make up remover pads 1. Stork 2. Snow town We saw this idea at the kids from 1st grade, holidays spring winter
Share A button instead of pendant for present :) Here you can see how easy it is to make a pendant with the help of Baba Marta from fabric, yarn and thread girls mothers day Valentine
Share Big paper martenitsas These big martenitsas are easy and quick to make. You will need two A4 sheets of Baba Marta holidays paper toys
Share Matrenitsas-butterflies from toothpicks Butterflies made of white and red thread twined round two crossed toothpicks. That’s all, but Baba Marta from fabric, yarn and thread spring summer
Share Heart-shaped pom-pom The design depends on the way you trim the pom-pom:) We decided to cut it in from fabric, yarn and thread Valentine
Share Baba Marta projects Penka Kostadinova made these cheerful Pizho and Penda martenitsas from gourds. The kids from the Sun Baba Marta