Share Lion Head These Lion Collages have been made by children from ROYANA ART STUDIO, Sofia (Bulgaria). see more: carnival masks and costumes collages paper toys
Share CLOTHESPIN ANIMALS watch video: how to make: printable templates: see more: from natural materials halloween paper toys
Share DIY Playdough Zodiac These Playdough Zodiac have been made by children from The Group for Kid’s Theater “Camel”. The Group play dough uncategorized
Share Animals from empty toilet paper rolls Great idea for paper animals! They are made by the kids from the kids from the “Step” workshop easter from recycle bin from rolls of toilet paper
Share LION – how to draw colour and cut Easy to make: see more: collages fine motor skills how to draw
Share Paper lion “I Love You” Look at this lion – it is easy to cut and fold, and suitable for colouring:) paper toys Valentine
Share Wooden Spoon DOLLS Here are our small wooden spoon dolls. We used a variety of materials that are easy collages creative activities from fabric, yarn and thread from wood
Share Leaf Collages A lion and a fish made from autumn leaves. We printed out the templates on colored autumn creative activities from natural materials