Share AUTUMN WREATH – LET’S MAKE IT TOGETHER Watch video: printable template: how to make: see more: autumn
Share Autumn wreath These beautiful wreaths are crated by kids from art club ‘Valshebstva’ managed by Ms G. Dingileva. autumn
Share Pumpkin Fantasies Join the kinds from group 2, “Prolet” kindergarten, Sevlievo, and their teacher, Violeta Vasileva, and make autumn
Share Autumn paper leaves Autumn leaves from paper to make a beautiful decoration or a wreath. You will need 10 autumn paper toys
Share A Wreath of Autumn Roses After the warm and sunny Saturday afternoon stroll in the park with the kids, when we autumn from natural materials
Share FALL DECOR Fall wreath – you will need some dry leaves, some twigs, chestnuts and rosehips. Prepare the autumn creative activities from natural materials