Share Cardboard wings Wonderful wings created by kids from Stakevtzi Adventure Camp. We are grateful they’ve shared with us from paper, cartons and boxes from recycle bin
Share Winter Fairy Tale Here is interesting project of KIDS ARCHITECTURE WORKSHOP in Sofia – Winter Fairy Tale. Аttached is a template file for winter
Share CARDBOARD CATS Watch video: These cardboards cats have been made by children from How to Make: see more: from paper, cartons and boxes halloween
Share Kukeri Masks – Old Bulgarian Tradition Kukeri – this is an old Bulgarian tradition. In the beginning of the year men dress in carnival masks and costumes from paper, cartons and boxes from recycle bin
Share Architectural Carnival Here is interesting project of KIDS ARCHITECTURE WORKSHOP in Sofia – CARNIVAL CITY. The children have funny from paper, cartons and boxes paper toys
Share An Eco Friendly House Made by Kids This is the house made by the kids, visiting The center for extracurricular studies Resonance, Razgrad. A everything else from paper, cartons and boxes from recycle bin
Share On the bench The kids that took part in the regular Saturday workshop of the group for kid’s theater from paper, cartons and boxes