Share Yarn ORNAMENTS These are the marvelous yarn ORNAMENTS (martenitsas) made by the children taking part in the A Group for Baba Marta from fabric, yarn and thread
Share Martenitsa Amulets These are the martenitsas made by the kids from Maya the Bee group from “Chuchuliga” kindergarten, from eggs box
Share THE LOVE CATS watch video: You need a quick drying clay, and a cooking mold. Make sure the heart mothers day play dough Valentine
Share FABRIC and BUTTONS Martenitsas What is ‘martenitsa’? In Bulgarian folklore the month of March is often portrayed as a plump, Baba Marta creative activities flowers from fabric, yarn and thread holidays
Share EMPTY BOTTLE Martenitsas Here’s an easy way to make big martenitsas without using an awful lot of yarn 🙂 Baba Marta from plastic from recycle bin holidays
Share Good Health AMULETS in Red and White We decided to take a break from all those storks and Pizho and Penda dolls – Baba Marta from fabric, yarn and thread
Share Cord Martenitsas We started making our martenitsas. I had long planned to start using the knitting machine… it’s Baba Marta creative activities from fabric, yarn and thread holidays
Share Martenitsas by ANETO Take a look at Aneto’s new martentsas 🙂 Those teeny-weeny mice… “I had planned to make Baba Marta from fabric, yarn and thread holidays