Share PLASTIC BOTTLE CAPS BULGARIAN EMBROIDERY Watch video: The surface on which the caps are glued is a 1m/1m polycarbonate board. It’s from plastic from recycle bin
Share Colorful plastic bottle caps mosaic Watch video: A colorful plastic bottle caps mosaic has been made in Sofia Zoo recently. A from plastic from recycle bin
Share Draw Me a SHEEP How to draw a sheep by using plastic bottle caps? There are plenty of ways. Look from plastic from recycle bin St. George day
Share Trees The kids that took part in the Saturday workshop of The Group for Kid’s Theater “Camel” in autumn paper toys spring
Share TREE IN FALL – made from bottle caps Have a look at this interesting idea for plastic bottle caps that came from the autumn
Share Garden Owls from Tin Cans To make these colorful garden owls, presented to us by Iva, Dari and Vyara from the everything else from plastic from recycle bin summer
Share Plasticine and seeds pictures These are the plasticine and seeds pictures made by the 3rd grade kids from KlimenT Ohridski from natural materials
Share Bottle Cap Mosaic If you want to make the same mosaic as the kids from Exploratorium BG you everything else from recycle bin Valentine
Share Witch, made of black bags and a bottle of mineral water :) Have a look at our home-made garden witch. We are getting ready for Halloween. The materials from plastic from recycle bin halloween
Share Castanets from bottle caps I was amazed how long the kids spent with these cardboard monsters. They kept on clicking collages Dinosaurs and Dragons experiments from paper, cartons and boxes from recycle bin paper toys