Share Snowman in a box Snowman in a shoebox – source: Atelie HB Показваме ви идеята на “Ателие HB” за направа на from paper, cartons and boxes winter
Share Autumn in a box This is a mini set for one of the fairy tales Iva (“The Land over the autumn from natural materials from paper, cartons and boxes from recycle bin
Share DIY house for toys from an empty milk box This is our new house toy, made from an empty milk box (you can use from paper, cartons and boxes from plastic
Share Cardboard fish – Fantasy Have a look at this great idea presented by Fantasy – Extracurricular activities. You will collages from paper, cartons and boxes St. Nicholas day summer
Share Swing from an empty shoe box What do kids love the wing so much? Today I decided to cut the long story from paper, cartons and boxes from recycle bin summer
Share Your Christmas ideas Here you can see some of the ideas you have sent to us at If christmas
Share DIY Gift Bag Today is gift-wrapping day:) I often have to find a small gift overnight, and sometimes my cards, invitations and boxes collages creative activities for party
Share Two SMALL GIFT Ideas Тhis is a craft for mothers! And it takes plenty of time. We spent a day cards, invitations and boxes for party
Share FISH and MERMAID Aquarium We borrowed the box idea from Sue Nicholson’s Great Big Art Activity Book but we changed from paper, cartons and boxes from recycle bin paper toys summer
Share BOX of LEAVES To make this fall treasure box, print out the template from HERE. You can use autumn cards, invitations and boxes for party