Share How kids’ drawings gave new life to the old books нLet’s make new presents for the old, but loved kids’ books from our childhood. Join Iva, 24 may back to school everything else from recycle bin
Share Spider decorations with prints Have a look at these beautiful notebook covers and invitation cards made by us with back to school drawing halloween others
Share A Quick T-Shirt Saving Idea Summer, books to read, cold juices that save us from the heat… that’s what’s in my back to school creative activities from clothes and fabrics from fabric, yarn and thread from recycle bin
Share DOTTED NOTEBOOK COVERS… from Tochitsa If you still don’t have an idea how to wrap your child’s notebooks this fall, take back to school holidays
Share Cloth TEXTBOOK COVER Did you already check how many of your child’s clothes still fit? 🙂 Ours must be back to school creative activities from clothes and fabrics from fabric, yarn and thread from recycle bin holidays