Migratory birds Migratory birds Migratory birds


The autumn is approaching and the migratory birds start gathering in flocks on the wires. They are preparing for the long journey to the warm lands.

You can easily make a coloured picture with migratory birds alighted on the wires with kids’ prints.

You will need:

  • a sheet of paper for your picture
  • aquarelle paints
  • black market and felt tip pen

Migratory birdsFirst draw the wires with a thick marker.

Migratory birds

Then dip a finger in the paints.

Migratory birds

Make prints in different colors on the wires.
Migratory birds

See how easy it is to make birds with a couple of lines with the felt tip pen.

Migratory birds

Migratory birds

 See more ideas for art with prints in KROKOTAK:
