Autumn decoration with imagination and plaster :)
Many, fast, no extra mess and no need for preparation. The perfect activity for the development of the imagination and the creation of incredible stories by the kids.
You will need: Many, many plasters and various natural materials – string bean, leaves, wooden sticks.
When you stick the materials with plaster, the kids can draw with felt tip pens and create different stories on the basis of the pictures.
As for the plaster – it was never enough, don’t ask why?
Mrs Centipedes. She has a shoe store and plans to run for a President.
Mr Miner. He digs tunnels all the time, and opens and closes them.
Butterflies and a bunch of smiley insects. They fly merrily here and there.
An abstract composition of a 4-year-old artist.
See more ideas for projects with natural materials: