Two ideas for crownsTwo ideas for crowns - DIY

г-жа Череша


Look at these two easy and beautiful ideas created by kids’ photographer Mrs. Cherry:


Two ideas for crowns - DIY

1. Crown

  • You will need an empty toilet paper roll, buttons, and cloth.
  • Cut the toilet paper roll to resemble a crown.
  • Spread diluted PVA glue on the cloth and cover the toilet paper roll with it.
  • When dried up, shape the tips of the crown and glue the buttons at the base.

Two ideas for crowns - DIY

 2. Lace crown.

  1. Spread PLA glue on a piece of lace.
  2. Leave it to dry on a glass.
  3. Decorate it when ready.
  4. To make it more comfortable for the kids, add a rubber band or hair clasp.

Two ideas for crowns - DIY Коронки за момичета - направи си сам