Papier mache hens – directly from Lithuania
We received the photos of these beautiful hens from Lithuania. They were sent to us by the primary teacher Sonata Stoškuviene, Rokiškio r. Kavoliškis school – kindergarten.
The body is made via the papier-mache technique with the help of two balloons — one for the body and the other for the head. The balloons are fastened with glue and covered in torn pieces of newspaper dipped in PVA glue.
The top of the hen is decorated with pieces of crepe paper. The comb is made of red cardboard paper.
Skvelé! Túto Veľkú noc to už nestihnem, ale na budúci rok budú také kurky v našej škôlke. Ďakujem a blahoželám šikovným rukám.
Dakujem moc. Šťastné sviatky pre vás.