DIY eggs from salty dough for colouring

The recipe for the salty dough is: 1 cup of flour, 1/2 cup of salt, 1 table spoon of sunflower oil, 1/2 cup of water.

Bake/dry on low heat or in a microwave oven. Wait for the shapes to cool, then paint. Try not to make them too thick or some moisture may be trapped inside them, making them soft.

DIY eggs from salty dough for colouring

Use a sharp object (wooden stick, pencil etc.) to decorate the eggs. Don’t forget to leave a hole for the string which will be used for hanging the egg.

DIY eggs from salty dough for colouring

The models depend on your imagination. When ready, wait for them to cool and then colour them with tempera or acrylic paints.

DIY eggs from salty dough for colouring

 See more ideas for salty dough craft in KROKOTAK:

Salt-Dough kids craft