How to make a rubber band bracelet How to make a rubber band bracelet How to make a rubber band bracelet How to make a rubber band bracelet

To my surprise this turned out to be a very popular craft among the primary school pupils. All you need is a package of thin rubber bands.

If you use just white and red rubber bands, the result will be a nice martenitsa – trendy and easy to maintain:)

How to make a rubber band bracelet

It’s so easy:)

Have a look at one of the easiest ways to tie a rubber band martenitsa.

Important – only the first rubber band should be twisted to resemble the figure 8.

Put the second rubber band over the first one. Now grab one side of the first rubber band, pass it over the finger and release it. Repeat this with the other side.How to make a rubber band bracelet

You can also watch short video to see how easy the process is:

How to make a rubber band bracelet

See more ideas for Bulgarian martenitsa in KROKOTAK:
