Let's make a house from toilet paper rolls


Why do we post this idea so early? Because you need time to gather enough empty toilet paper rolls to make this lovely Christmas village:)

Let's make a house from toilet paper rolls

Let's make a house from toilet paper rolls

If you want to cut a door… but yo cannot, you can leave it uncut. Bot ways the house stays nice and stable.Let's make a house from toilet paper rolls

You need an empty toilet paper roll, an A5 size sheet (half of a standard sheet for printing) and glue for paper.Let's make a house from toilet paper rolls

Fold where shown to cut a square for the roof. The remainder use to roll a chimney.Let's make a house from toilet paper rolls

It looks like a rocket science at the pictures, but actually the folding and the making of the roof is a piece of cake:)Let's make a house from toilet paper rolls

When you are ready with the rolling of the chimney stick it on the roof.Let's make a house from toilet paper rolls

The house itself is made via two bends and a slight folding to near the two ends..

Let's make a house from toilet paper rolls

Now you have enough flat space to slip on and glue the roof.

Let's make a house from toilet paper rolls


See more toilet paper roll art and craft ideas in KROKOTAK:
