Beautiful frame made of acorn cupules

The kids had a special task during our latest walk in the park – to gather acorn caps for mum. But, why? Even she didn’t know why:)

Anyway, we have found what to do with them. We had an old cork board, all in holes and very ugly. We brought it back to life after applying a short makeover on it. It turned into a board for short notes with decorative wooden pegs.

Beautiful frame made of acorn cupules Beautiful frame made of acorn cupules

You need a lot of acorn caps, a frame, strong glue and acrylic paint spray (it dries faster, and I cannot stay the waiting thing).Beautiful frame made of acorn cupules

After you cover the frame with paint and leave it to dry up, put inside it the cork sheet (they sell cork sheets in the specialised stores).Beautiful frame made of acorn cupules

Cross several times a ribbon

Beautiful frame made of acorn cupules

alongside the board, and be sure to pass it between the acorns. At the end put small decorative pegs.

See more ideas for autumn crafts for kids in KROKOTAK:

Autumn kids craft