mandala for ptinting

printable mandala for kids

Today the weather seems less than cheerful 🙂 I don’t know whether it is going to rain… but we have prepared a fun rainy mandala just in case.

‘Mandala’ is the Tibetan word for wheel. These are magic paintings coming from the Far East. They are composed of elements repeating themselves in a circle. Watching them makes one feel good!

Kids can colour the mandalas together. I have just discovered the beauty of this ancient Tibetan art but I also saw how much fun kids were having when they were colouring the pictures as a group.


handWorking with mandalas, which are basically circular pictures, develops good eye-to-hand coordination, an ability to concentrate and a taste for beauty. Coloriung mandalas is very pleasurable and a favourite activity for children around the world.

See more weather crafts:

weather kids craft

More mandalas from KROKOTAK:
