I’ve learned many things in my work. It often turns out that I was the only one who didn’t know about them 🙂 One of them is the tangram.
Тhe tangram is an ancient Chinese game, a kind of puzzle. It consists of 7 pieces, called tans, which are stored as a square.
The purpose of the game is to form specific shapes, given out as an outline. You have to use all seven tans and make sure they don’t overlap.
Little kids can make these shapes with your help if they look at the colored models.
Рrint out the tans here and color them, making sure to use the right colors. Use a gluestick to add a second cardboard layer (other types of glue may deform the paper). Cut out all the seven parts.
You can find colored and black-and=white models on the next pages of this document. Even if you don’t have a colored printer, you can color them as I have done.
Тhis exercise develops children’s ability to form shapes from preset geometric figures, following a sample. Â
see also: