Step on the GAS! Hit the Brakes!
Perhaps everybody’s had to leave the kids alone on his desk… and you know how stressful that can be. See Veliana and Nasko’s idea at „Двама с мама“– you might have to use it in ‘critical moments’ :
From the moment you decided to bring your son to the office (just for today, right?) you knew you were about to make a major mistake. And still… All the circumstances joined ranks to persuade you that you had no alternative. Let’s see… You leave him at your desk as he promises he won’t move and won’t touch anything, and you will be right back… Five minutes later the action’s in full swing: the young man has started such a feng shui reorganization of your desk that you’ll need a police dog to find anything. No, two police dogs. The swivel chair is limping (for obvious reasons) and your computer monitor is hidden behind an armour of sticky notes.
Fish out of your desk:
– several erasers (at least two kinds of them)
– a precision knife
– instant glue
– thumbtacks
– permanent markers