занимания за деца в предучилищна възраст

We’ve been working on this book for quite some time 🙂 We tried to make a good book that would keep kids busy for long. We included 180 selected activities for kids that are just about to start school. The degree of difficulty corresponds to the worldwide criteria for the specified age group. Maybe that’s why we didn’t seek the approval of the Ministry of Education. 🙂

Тhis is an activity book for the whole year. It is for children aged 5 to 7. We have collected 180 math, fine motor skills, memory and observation skills activities.

We have dedicated special pages for introducing the cursive script – with big letters that are easy to trace.

Тhey are enough to entertain the kids throughout the year and train their basic skills before they start school.

The activities in this book are not a substitute of school programs. They are a supplementary tool to help parents track and assist their child’s development.

The book is in paperback, 180 pages, format A4.

We have special discounts for preschools and kindergartens. You can contact us at: store@krokotak.com

Списък на местата, на който може да  закупите нашата книга:

Книжарниците на BOOKTRADING, Хермес, Сиела и Хеликон.

София, книжарница “Фют”, ул. “Атанас Узунов” 38

София, книжарница “Фют”, ул. “Любен Каравелов” 22

София, книжарница “Фют”, ул. “Коста Лулчев” 10

Варна,  книЖАРница “Жар-птица”,  ул. Шипка”24

Варна, книжарница на “Таралеж” гр.Варна, ул. „А. Малинов“ №4

Благоевград, Детска Книжарница, бул. ” Васил Левски” 7

Стара Загора, книжарница “Мистрал”, ул. “майор Кавалджиев” 177

Димитровград, книжарница “Знание” бул” България” 6

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