I truly envied Iva from The Land Beyond the Rainbow for these ideas. You can see from the pictures that the process itself was lots of fun, too… especially the little footprints. 🙂 Take a look – and you’ll surely find a good idea for your own kid.
1.Ghost costume You will need: 50 cm (double width) of white lining, some felt in white and black and 70 cm thin ribbon or string. If you’re making a costume for a bigger kid, you may need 70 cm or even 1 m of fabric… read the whole article
2.Halloween decor – Kids’ Footprint Ghosts You will need: two kids (or one, if you have no choice), white fingerpaint, two sheets of thick cardboard and lots of thin black paper (we get them from LIDL stores as they use them to separate tomatoes…read the whole article
3. Pumpkin fun Last week we didn’t have any pumpkins and we had to make some. This week we have – and we’re wondering what to do with them. I mean… besides cooking them, as that’s easy – pumpkin pie, baked pumpkin, or why not even pumpkin soup… but that’s fun for mothers 🙂 …read the whole article.
4. Fabric and toilet roll pumpkins. I have two industrious kids – I hope that will be enough to find a solution. I though about covering a whole roll of toilet paper in fabric, too. It turned out we only had one roll. Oops… and we live 7.5 km from the nearest store… Toilet paper will be on top of our shopping list for Monday… read the whole article
5.Make a cobweb skirt You will need: 3m of old lace curtain (that’s the width of the skirt. The length depends on the size of your child – in our case that meant 70 cm… .read the whole article
6.Bat tree While we were picking apples, I found some very interesting branches, all covered in yellow and grey lichen. I liked them immediately and brought them home …read the whole article