Cardboad Box HENS
The season of hens, rabbits and colored eggs is near. I hope we can make you smile on this sad and gloomy day with a bit of color. 🙂
Preparing the basic shape is a mother’s job. After that you can leave the kids to decorate the hen. We used the papier-mache technique. The only improvement we made was using tissue paper so we wouldn’t have to paing the hen after it dries. You can use oridnary paper and then color it with acrylic or tempera paints.
We had different sorts of empty boxes. That’s why sometimes we had to change the shape a little, but, basically, it’s the same idea all over.
1. This hen was made from a box with a narrow bottom panel.
2. This hen was made from a box with a wider bottom panel. Here we had to add a few pieces to close the upper part.
Cover the whole hen with torn pieces of tissue paper (you can use paper napkins or plain paper) and very diluted PVA glue. Place the paper piece then wet thoroughly with the diluted glue. Make several layers. When the hen is dry, it’s ready for the finishing touches – we made ours with wide markers. We cut the dots from white paper and glued them on.
Your website is so colourful & funny, It’s inspiring, Keep the ideas coming.
Thank you.
These chickens are adorable! I think they might be fun for an Easter basket replacement. Maybe you could put wrapped candies into the base of the chicken as you are making it, and then the kids would have to open the chicken to get their Easter treats. I am saving my boxes starting now! Thanks for posting such a fun and happy craft!
Aunque no llegue a hacerlo nunca, es tan bonito verlo!!! Gracias
very interesting
I “found” this wonderful recycled cereal box chicken a few days ago. I collected boxes from friends and relatives. Now that I am working with the boxes I can learly see how wonderfully superior your examples are! I am amazed at how perfect your cuts and patterns are! This is not easy to do well.
I work in a dialysis center and was hoping, still hoping that I can complete several chicken boxes to have our patients paint and decorate them while on the dialysis machine. It will be such a fun thing to do! I think everyone will be smiling while working to make a fancy chicken. Thank you for the inspirational post. .
je découvre et je suis épatée du résultat : originalité, couleurs,… J’adore alors merci je vais essayer avec mes petits enfants