printable templates:

easter paper decoration

 1. Big paper eggs – easy to cut off and assemble, suitable for Easter decoration. We cut 4-5 green printer sheets into thin strips to make the grass on the photos. After that we crumpled it well and it turned into fresh spring grass.


We used paper in different colors and it turned out well. You can also decorate the eggs with pencils or felt-tip pens before assembling them.

easter paper decoration

Print out our paper egg template on colored A4 sheets.

easter paper decoration

2. Stitched chicken  – easy for kids to assemble and glue together. We had seen similar chicken made from fabric, so we just tried the idea on paper. Print them out on yellow printer sheets.

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Color the legs, the beak and the comb after cutting out and folding the template.

See more Easter ideas:easter kids craft