1. Jelly-bean necklace

– it looks so good on Malena!

Her mother Bilyana Getzova ( MamaNaMalena) sent us this photo of the beautiful necklace she made for her kid from fruit-shaped jelly-beans.

2. Gummy bears and toothpick constructions.

– a practical exercise for future architects!

We borrowed (and slightly simplified) the idea from Zornitsa (Тоchitza). Thank you!

We tried several kinds of jelly beans until we found the perfect ones 🙂 They are hard, they are big and they don’t stick to your hands – the perfect for the task. These constructions engaged my daughter’s interest for a very long time. With trial and error we discovered the most stable shape –  the tetrahedron. With the help of gummy bears and toothpicks we built all sorts of constructions. Sometimes they fell, sometimes they were stable and could be built upon…

You can keep the construction for a very long time, unless you get hungry for those gummy bears…

experiments for kids