Colorful ACORNS for Decoration
Let’s make some colorful acorns!
With time the lower part of the acorns dries up, shrinks and falls from the cap.
Here’s an easy way to make beautiful colored acorns. They will last longer, so they can be a nice addition to the kids’ games – or to your fall decor.
You need several acorn caps, colored tissue paper and PVA glue.
Fold carefully little pieces of tissue paper. After youВнимателно нагъвайте малки късчета от тишу. След като навиете едно парченце, отгоре поставете ново и отново навийте. Покривайте с нови парченца, докато жълъдчето стане достатъчно голямо, за да е “по размер” на капачето.
Put some PVA glue in the acorn cap before inserting the paper body. Brush over the whole paper acorn with PVA glue to smooth over any sticking ends so your acorn will become shiny and durable.