It wasn’t a city, because there were only houses. Or so my daughter thinks. 🙂 

This is our big project – we’ve spent the week collecting empty boxes that used to hold biscuits, cornflakes, etc. It took us less than a day to color them and glue them on a piece of thick cardboard.

Each house was made from an empty box which we unfolded, reversed and glued back again.

We cut the four ends with scissors then folded and shaped the roofs.

The trees were made from empty toilet paper rolls and corrugated cardboard. Make a cut in the toilet paper roll then slide the tree crown in.

The roofs are covered with crepe paper and the houses themselves were colored with felt-tip pens. The doors and windows were cut with a precision knife.

The road was covered with black crepe paper.


see more easy kids crafts from paper boxes:

carboard kids crafts