ПОП-ЪП картички влюбени животни ♥
В това занимание сме използвали симетрия, изрязване, прегъване и най-забавното за всички деца – оцветяване. Ако детето не може да справи с някои от тези елементи – помогнете, но само тогава, когато то само ви потърси за помощ:)
Измислихме картинките така, че да са подходящи и за момичета и за момчета…. Кое момче би отказало да изреже динозавър, било то и влюбен…..
Използвахме цветни хартии за принтер, за да станат по-ефекти картичките. Оцветихме ги с цветни моливи.
разпечатайте шаблоните :
I am not able to print the symmetrical card „love parrots/elephants/dinosaurs“. Can you please check the settings.
Thanks very much
http://lesmercredisdejulie.blogspot.com/2013/02/carte-pop-up-elephant.html 😉
Merci !
merci pour le partage ! j’ai créé un lien ici : http://www.pinterest.com/lemondedis/créer-avec-les-ptits-chats/
The cards are a fantastic idea! Thank you so much for sharing! http://www.hattifant.com
I absolutely loved your cards and chose to use them as part of my Valentine’s Card Crafting during Hattifant’s Crafty Afternoon. The children too adored them and lots of animals were made! 🙂
I have mentioned you on Hattifant’s website and hope that first of all you do not mind (if you do please let me know) and second of all that many more people will visit your page and make your very cute Animal Valentine Cards!
Happy Valentine’s Day and many thanks,
Manja (Hattifant)
Link: http://hattifant.com/workshops-in-bangkok/standrews-2014term2/
English version:
Krokotak already has an English version:)
Thank you and sorry it took me so long. But have now adjusted link on Hattifant’s page to the English version! Absolutely appreciated! Thank you!!!
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