1This is a marvelous activity for little fingers. As our grandmothers say, ‘nimble fingers make nimble minds’.

We substituted the fabric with a household rubber mat – the kind that’s sold in home supply stores or dollar stores. We put some of it in an embroidery frame and started our embroidery lesson, switching colors from time to time.  This activity is very engaging, and it’s not just for girls. Why not draw a simple shape with a felt-tip pen, so the child can try to trace its outline and then fill it with color?


Being a modern family, we had a chat with Grandma on Skype 🙂 When we showed her our embroidery, she gave us a better idea for the end of the yarn, suggesting we cover it with nail polish. It really works better – it becomes hard enough to easily push through the holes.

kids craft from fabric anf yarn