Cord Martenitsas
We started making our martenitsas.
I had long planned to start using the knitting machine… it’s just perfect for making martenitsas.
1.Stork– To make it, we knit a 40 cm long two-colored cord. We put a paper wire through it to make the figures easier to shape. We stitched the cord into the desired shape and used another piece to make the legs of the stork.
2.Мarch flowers – they are so easy to make! We knit a 35-40 cm long cord. We stitched the cord together at large intervals to make the flower shape. You can decorate the center with a soft ball, a bead or a button.
3. Mr Jolly – we used two pieces of cord in different colors and stitched them together to make a little person. We embroidered the eyes and the mouth and stitched on some hair.
Here’s how you start the cord:
Detailed instructions for the knitting machine:
What is ‘martenitsa’?
In Bulgarian folklore the month of March is often portrayed as a plump, cheerful old lady, “baba Marta”. The 1st day of her reign is celebrated with red and white ornaments in various designs – as bracelets, brooches, pom-poms…
The origins of this ritual are lost in time, but the meaning is clear – they are luck charms you give away to wish good health (and good looks, too!) Friends, family, even pets and domestic animals get one.They are also a countdown to spring – you wear them every day until you see the first stork, or swallow, or blossoming tree. Then you take themartenitsa off and tie it to a branch.