We decided to follow up on the previous article with similar ballerinas that would be easy enough for children. They are just as beautiful as the others but much simpler to do. The basic shape is symmetrical, so you can fold the paper in two and only do half the cutting.

Our house is already full of snowflake ballerinas… and I certainly didn’t cut any of them 🙂 

Print out the  template. Fold in half on the dotted line and let the child do the cutting.

The skirt is easier, too – you only fold 3 times (instead of 4) so there would not be too many layers that would make cutting difficult. You can use any variety of shapes.

After the skirt has been cut out, fold it in two and make a slip to insert the ballerina. Unfold only when the figure is already in place. You can string several ballerinas together to make a beautiful Christmas garland.

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