A COLOR-IN Christmas
Santa-themed printables to color and play
We have collected over 200 winter and Christmas-themed images for coloring – and we are constantly adding new treasures. Use the window scroller to see all documents. Click on an image to enlarge and print. [krokotak-list tags=”коледа” height=”500px”]
Winter-Themed Images
Use the window scroller to see all documents. Click on an image to enlarge and print.[krokotak-list tags=”зима” height=”500px”]
Letters to Santa
Use the window scroller to see all documents. Click on an image to enlarge and print. [krokotak-list tags=”писмо” height=”400px”]
Christmas-Themed Shapes and Templates to Cut Out and Fold
Use the window scroller to see all documents. Click on an image to enlarge and print.
[krokotak-list tags=”шаблон-к” height=”400px”]
wow absolutely amazing web site someone of my own heart !!!! so useful to me running adults and childrens craft classes Thankyou its so easy to use inspirational and a dream come true ahhhh